When was the last time you grateful about something? Like really grateful? Perhaps you got that promotion or you met someone new and interesting? Or your favourite brand announced a surprising sale and you got the jeans you wanted? I am sure you felt happy and you probably even said "Thank you, Universe/Big man/Holy Cow" (whoever you look up to in times of need). But when was the last time you were actually grateful for something you had or something you got to experience? Or someone you had in your life?
See, when we talk about gratitude, we refer to that feeling of infite happiness mixed with praise and even a little bit of disbelief that we feel when something amazing, almost unreal, has happed to us. That feeling when you have to take a step back to give your mind a minute or two to process what's going on because you can't simply believe tha's true. Have you experienced that feeling? Do you get what I am talking about?
Being grateful is probably one of the most amazing and truly energising and yet grounding feelings human beings get to experience. It's soul-rewarding to be able to experience a true sense of gratitude - like an orgasm for your mind and soul. So can you remember when was the last time you felt like that?
It was that long, I know, I can feel it from all the way back here. And why was it that long, did nothing really worth-your-gratitude happened to you? Nothing at all?
If you are shaking your head "No" and you slowly start thinking how your life is "not that exciting", "nothing special ever happens to me", "maybe in the future" la-la-la, then my friend I am glad you are not right here in front of me because chances are I'd try to slap you out of your delusional state. Yes, that's right - I am all about the balance of Namaste and I'll slap you right in the face.
How dare you forget who you are?! How dare you forget how much you have done so far?! Why did you let anyone take away your light, your magic - your essence? Because I can't imagine any other reasons for you not to be grateful for EVERY.SINGLE.DAMN.DAY.OF.YOUR.BEAUTIFUL.EXISTANCE!!! For every breath you GET to take, for every single smile, for every single bird you get to hear chirping and every tree you get to see blooming. Or does these "little things" don't count? Are you thinking to yourself "But that's just life, what to be so grateful about?"
That. Life! The fact that you still get to live it. The fact that each day you wake up and you start a new day - a new chance to turn everything around. A new "mini" beginning, if you wish. The fact that gratitude works on that micro level, if that makes sense. Because we will never be able to get to the top, if we don't start from the bottom. Because no house has been built without foundations. So how can you be "greateful" for that big promotion, if you never expressed gratitude to yourself for all the hard work you have been putting day in and day out, or the fact that you get to work with a great team and your manager was really aknowledging your achievements. And how about being grateful each day for your health, for your wellbeing, for your home, for your supportive friend and family who encouraged you to apply for that promotion. You missed all those "little steps" that lead you to the final goal, didn't you? You took them for granted and forgot to even stop and say to yourself: "Damn, I am so lucky to have all of that and I can't be more grateful for my life".
So let me ask you this: what would need to happen for you to start feeling grateful, but I mean truly grateful? To wake up in the morning and instead of reaching for your phone, to lay in bed, eyes still closed and spend at least 5 minutes practicing gratitude? To write 3 different things you are grateful for today and then start your day? What would need to happen so you can start doing that?
I will tell you what - hitting rock bottom and stop believing in magic, that's what ....
Part 2 to follow soon